why does avast kill instantbuzz?

Avast keeps stopping my insantbuzz from operating saying it has atrojan horse. How can I get it to ignore this program

you can left click “A” then find the “standard sheild” provider and add your program to the exclusion list and you should be ok, It might be worth adding it also to the main sanning engine exclusion list as well ,otherwise it will be detected anytime you run a scan.
to fix the problem permanently for yourself and anyone else who runs it , send a copy of the offending program to (virus@ avast.com ) in a password protected zipfile using “virus” as the password and a link to this thread so it can be investigated.
good luck :wink:

You could also check the offending/suspect file at: VirusTotal - Multi engine on-line virus scanner Or Jotti - Multi engine on-line virus scanner if any other scanners here detect them it is less likely to be a false positive. You can’t do this with the file in the chest, you will need to move it out.

If it is indeed a false positive, add it to the exclusions lists (Standard Shield, Customize, Advanced and Program Settings, Exclusions), restore the file from the chest and periodically check it (scan it in the chest), there should still be a copy in the chest even though you restored it to the original location. When it is no longer detected then you can also remove it from the Standard Shield and Program Settings, exclusions.

I tried to email the program through but it wouldnt get through their filters. Don’t know how I can help to get a fix unless they look here. This is all very daunting to someone who is a dummy like me. I might have to go back to AVG unless the company can send a fix for me.

Do I left click on the little ball, then left click on standard shield (on the left), then click on customize to the right, then I don’t see (Advanced and Program settings, Exclusions). I have version 4.7 Home Edition.
Where am I going wrong?

I ve tested it with the Virus Total and most engines recognize it for what it is. Avast just say it is not a virus.

Yay!!! I’ve done it. Shows that having somewhere to sound off helps a lot!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Thanks very much guys. ;D ;D ;D ;D

Glad we could help, welcome to the forums.

Now you can help avast to help others by submitting the file for analysis so the VPS can be corrected, as outlined above. Also see (Mini Sticky) False Positives, how to report it to avast! and what to do to exclude them until the problem is corrected.

How do I fix Avast (4.7 home) so that I can use Instant Buzz?

You need to use the Exclusion lists:

For the Standard Shield provider (on-access scanning):
Left click the ‘a’ blue icon, click on the provider icon at left and then Customize.
Go to Advanced tab and click on Add button…

For the other providers (on-demand scanning such as the screen-saver or the Simple User Interface):
Right click the ‘a’ blue icon, click Program Settings.
Go to Exclusions tab and click on Add button…

You can use wildcards like * and ?.
But be careful, you should ‘exclude’ that many files that let your system in danger.

Are you sure that InstantBuzz is a clean (not-infected) application?

As I mentioned in reply #2 as Tech has replicated.

What is important is, if this is still being detected (probably again rather than old detection), you need to check the sample at VirusTotal (as mentioned in reply #2) and send the sample to avast otherwise it won’t be properly corrected in the VPS updates.

how do I make a password protected zipfile?

If the file is in the chest you don’t have to as avast encrypts the file before it is sent.

It depends on the zip program you have as to how you password protect it and I would imagine it is in the help file of the zip program.

Which zip tool do you use?
I suggest www.izarc.org or www.7-zip.org.