Why does my ISP's SpamAssassin software think that Avast Forum emails are Spam?

Why does my ISP’s SpamAssassin software think that Avast Forum emails are Spam?

Here is the SpamAssassin report my ISP has attached to all but one of the Avast Forum emails over the past 24 hours (the length of time I’ve been on here).

Spam detection software, running on the system "spam8.interdns.co.uk", has
identified this incoming email as possible spam.  The original message
has been attached to this so you can view it (if it isn't spam) or label
similar future email.  If you have any questions, see
the administrator of that system for details.

Content preview:  A reply has been posted to a topic you are watching by Tobur.
   View the reply at: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=196445.new;topicseen#new
   Unsubscribe to this topic by using this link: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?action=notify;topic=196445.0

Content analysis details:   (5.6 points, 5.0 required)

 pts rule name              description
---- ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------
 3.5 BAYES_99               BODY: Bayes spam probability is 99 to 100%
                            [score: 1.0000]
 0.2 BAYES_999              BODY: Bayes spam probability is 99.9 to 100%
                            [score: 1.0000]
 1.9 MIME_NO_TEXT           No (properly identified) text body parts

Maybe I should add the Avast Forum email address to my personal WhiteList on my ISP’s mail server?

I would say that this is a question for SpamAssassin and or ISP.

But a guess receiving lots of emails from the same source and having a very short paragraph and a link could well have some anti-spam tools twitching.

When you consider avast has hundreds of millions of avast users and a very high number of forum users being notified of new replies to topics you are watching.

I use MailWasher Pro and I haven’t had one notification email flagged.