Why hacking?

This may be a bit off-topic though… I always wondered why people want to hack stuff. A part from earning money, where’s the point of it? If you hack an e-mail account what do you get in return (a chance to go in a jail maybe?)? If it is not for a military purpose where’s the reason for hacking computers?

Thank you for your ideas and your time spent.

In the old days it was fame and glory, Today it is all about money… http://blogs.norman.com/2013/business/virus-history

Hacking Attacks - How and Why

Interesting indeed! Now I’m gonna read the 2nd article.

“Idealistic organizations that uses hacking to support “the good cause”. Typical examples of such groups would be Anonymous”
Well what good cause? Weren’t anonymous the people who stealed accounts on Sony devices and prevented many PS3 gamers from playing and purchasing stuff on the marketplace safely?

:frowning: I cannot read the 2nd article because the URL doesn’t lead to any page (or so claims google chrome).


Thank you adrian!

“DDoS focuses on open ports and connections in the network or system” So if I have more open ports I am less safe?

Do you use a router? If so keep the firmware up to date and you are fine.

DDos is used against servers and big sites.

Yep I do though… I don’t know how to update the thing… (or how to control doorways)

How to is found in userguide or vendors website…

The help files or makers website will tell you how to update firmware.

Unless you have the need to open ports for something like an IP cam/webcam leave the ports alone.

The router should have everything locked down for you.

Okidokie seems like I’m fine then! Thank you for the help and happy new year! If you find interesting articles about hackers/virus could you please post them here? I’d be happy to read them ;).

Net is full if you search http://www.scmagazine.com/ / http://www.darkreading.com/ / http://www.technewsworld.com/perl/section/security/ / http://blog.sucuri.net/ / https://blog.avast.com/

Hi Pondus and Bigby,

Why have this discussion as official government hackers can hack your wifi from 13 km distance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0w36GAyZIA
And Nightstand can be placed on drones. So if you are already fully transparent to surveillance goons! On the other hand when you want to search someone’s mobile phone number you have great trouble sometimes finding them online. I feel we have long passed the station where we had a say in the matter or the point where we could. I remember someone discussing geo-location blocking and his activities were frowned upon. So it seems there is a majority that even likes that transparency manipulation? ;D


Thank you pondus. I’ll check that out.

Uum, you mean that this discussion in sorta dangerous?

Hi Bigby,

No I did not mean that at all. The discussion is actual and should be held. Realize under all circumstances what you do on the Interwebs is done in public. All information on the Internet is being fingerprinted, sold, under surveillance from both government and big corporations alike that work hand in foot. As long as you realize that position you take the security measures in the light of that position/situation. Some now use fancy nail glitter-polish as a secret weapon against physical keylogging attacks from laptop spies.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KV4XnvE2p34
At home you close your doors and lock them against intruders, but your smart meter inside your home is giving away what you do on the mains etc. Out in the street they cannot enter your house, but still via smart meters they could guess how many times you opened the fridge (maybe it is a smart fridge with a chip inside). That is how transparent life works for you. It is dangerous only whenever you are not fully aware,


Thanks! I am aware of that kind of stuff and I know that basically they now everything about us (whenever I check the occasional pop-ups I always wonder: "how the heck can they know that I was interested in that? Simple they just keep track of all my purchase and navigation online). It’s annoying though not dangerous for me since I don’t have important data to hide\protect.

It’s all good. 8)