Why is business avast web site reported as possibly being hacked?

The following Tweet explains the situation:


Google, in its search results, is reporting https://business.avast.com as “This site may be hacked”.

My guess is Google have got it wrong. But I think that the operative word is MAY.
Another point, I don’t see how a sub-domain could/may be hacked, yet it not impact on the whole avast.com domain or forum.avast.com.

If you ignore the warning and visit the link, as this part (sub-domain) of the avast sub-domain is a restricted area and you are redirected to input your logon credentials.


You make some excellent points.

Like you, I suspect that Google MAY have somehow got it wrong.

I look forward to an Avast person explaining the situation.

Hi, I forwarded it…


Thank you for your assistance.

Dev-Info: We saw tweets on Friday and working on a fix. Unfortunately, there is not much information from the Google site that will help us in fixing the issue.


Thank you for the feedback.

You’re welcome.