Why is it the interface being resized when we change the language?

When we change the language of the interface, the size of the window is resized.
Can it be kept during this change?

I know it’s a personal asking, as I use avast in three different languages to give support here in forums.

You mean the scroll arrows on the left? Never seen them in Free when changing languages, must be specific to Pro/AIS.

Not only the scroll bars but also the window size.
Any hint from the programmers?

The window size needs to be changed sometimes, otherwise you would get horizontal scroll bars as well with some languages. Some translations simple are longer than others.

So, let the window size unchanged… If the user wants another size than the one of the first language, he/she can resize…

Not really sure what do you mean? You mean let the text, graphics - and possibly and more importantly controls, such as buttons - overflow out of the GUI? That’s obviously completely broken design. And what’s exactly the problem with resizing the GUI window as needed? ???

You’re thinking on flooding the interface. This is theory.
What’s being done is the opposite. A bigger window is resized to a small one.
I have it bigger, to hold all the text and graphics, no scrollbars.
I change the language and the window become smaller, flooded, with scrollbars.
What’s the logic?

I guess you should change the subject of this thread to something like “GUI window size does not match some translations”. Might be an issue with the translation itself as well, as noted here (which also documents why changing the size of the GUI is required sometimes).

Seems strange… on my PC window resized to default size, whether I had bigger or smaller it.

In mine too. I’m asking to stop resizing when changing the language, just that.