why is my web shield doesnt scan any website

why is my web shield doesnt scan any website??
is it something to do with which firewall i use?
i use Comodo FW, Firefox and IE (web shield support both FF and IE right? )


Do you use a proxy to connect to the internet ?

What is your OS ?

The web shield supports the majority of mainstream browsers, what versions of FF and IE are you using ?
If they happen to be custom versions of beta versions then they may not be supported.

vista 32 bits
no proxy is used and it is a 3.6 FF

How did you set up the rules for Avast! in Comodo. Did you allow it to accept connections? Check the firewall logs for dropped connections to the Avast Service.


yeah, most likely a conflict with Comodo, although I never had such issue when running it (their fw)…just a matter of allowing avastsvc to connect when prompted.

Well I don’t think it is a conflict in comodo, or the OP would be reporting no internet connection with the web shield enabled, rather than the web shield isn’t scanning pages.

You could try setting your browsers to use the web shield proxy and see if that works:Whilst these are old tutorials, they should give an idea what to do and you can adapt it for the later versions of your FF and IE.
For IE - broadband users: - Tutorial - Web Shield Proxy Set-up for IE
For IE - dialup users - Tutorial - Web Shield Proxy Set-up for IE (Dial-up)
For Firefox users - Tutorial - Web Shield Proxy Set-up for Firefox

not sure, the scenario you’re describing can of course happen(no connection at all), but the browsers could as well bypass the webshield.

That’s why I asked the OP about if they used a proxy, the answer was no.

I don’t know what you mean by a downside to using the proxy. The web shield uses a localhost proxy so that it can pre-scan the http port 80 traffic (your browsing) before it is saved to the browser cache and run/displayed, etc.

The downside of ‘not’ using the proxy is the web shield isn’t scanning your browser traffic, reducing your level of protection.

These tutorials were designed for older OSes where the avast web shield wasn’t transparent (e.g. you didn’t have to set it up), so you were forced to manually apply the proxy settings in your browser.

thanks for the info, it’s working now

What did you do?

Presumable entered the proxy details in the browsers that I gave him in my Reply #5 and his question about it in Reply #8

You’re welcome.

I’m just baffled as to why it didn’t work transparently to start with.