can someone tell me why printing would not work while using safezone. It has worked before but is not now. I was unable to print a important receipt after making a transaction online. After printing, it caused my session to crash and closed out my session. I am unable to retrieve that information - it was a one time session. BS!! Can someone at least give me some help to fix this printing issue.
It’s a known bug and should be resolved in the next (beta) version.
In the meantime you could try this workaround from “vick35”: “Entering in the printer properties and advanced settings and changing the settings from printing documents in the queue for faster printing to directly to the printer … the printing is done!” (
Já tive esse tipo de problema no meu Avast IS 7.0 e já foi SOLUCIONADO. Eu costumava fazer as transações bancárias pelo Safezone, mas não conseguia imprimir os comprovantes. Depois de vários meses, meu problema foi solucionado automaticamente depois que instalei a versão 7.0.1451. O serviço de impressão do Safezone só foi desbloqueado a partir da versão 7.0.1451. Agora consigo imprimir tudo!
Automatic translation: I’ve had this problem on my Avast 7.0 IS and has been solved. I used to do banking transactions by SafeZone, but could not print the vouchers. After several months, my problem was solved automatically after I installed the version 7.0.1451. The print service SafeZone was only unlocked from version 7.0.1451. Now I can print everything!