Why is this site being flagged?

See: unknown_html ARIN US abuse at fdcservers dot net to ignorelistdot com htxp://zh4d0w5.ignorelist.com/
Bitdefender TrafficLight and WOT block this also:http://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/zh4d0w5.ignorelist.com?utm_source=addon&utm_content=warn-viewsc
no user input however why?
The location line in the header above has redirected the request to: htxps://www.deliberatebypass.info
pagead2.googlesyndication dot com/pagead/ads.js suspiscious
Is it just the redirect to hxtps://www.deliberatebypass.info/includes/process.php?action=update that flags it?
As that page content is flagged because it is https?


wot: “This subdomain inherits the reputation of ignorelist.com. Leave your rating for a separate reputation.”

report on norton safeweb: hXXps://safeweb-prod-tus1.norton.com/report/show?url=ignorelist.com

Hi Kwartet!,

Break that link it is alerted by Google Safebrowsing: http://www.unmaskparasites.com/web-page-options/?url=http%3A//safeweb-prod-tus1.norton.com/report/show%3Furl%3Dignorelist.com&susp=1
This page seems to be
1 suspicious inline script found.
14 hidden external links found.
Is there any good reason for this script to be outside of … block?
^^YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady(function(type, args, obj){
var domainInput = new sym.widget.DomainInput…^^^^
Thanks for the link, that should be: http://safeweb.norton.com/report/show?url=ignorelist.com
