Why isn't Alwil a Windows Vista RC1 Antivirus Provider (yet)?

Why isn’t avast listed here?
http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/update/windowsvistaRC1AV.mspx :cry: :-\

Good question…

Is there more to being listed on that page than just being Vista compatible?

As far as I knew, avast! was Vista compliant. ???

Yes, why isn’t avast! listed.

As far as I’m aware avast! was listed as an anti-virus partner previously with XP, etc.

Vlk, as you’re back from Redmond (http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=24725.msg204435#msg204435), any news? ::slight_smile:

It’s amazing how some threads which can only be answered by some one from Alwil
are simply left dangling. Is there an answer to this question?
I’ve been informing every one that avast! works well with Vista.
Is that true or do I need to change what I’ve been preaching ???

Absolutely, There isn’t any mention of Vista on the avast.com home page and that is I feel a missed opportunity to state Vista compatibility, this may counter the fact that MS hasn’t listed avast! as compatible with Vista, but I fear not.

Whilst Alwil mention/display a Microsoft Certified Partner icon, if you go to that page http://www.avast.com/eng/microsoft.html there is no mention of Vista.

All the companies listed on that page are offering specials for their antivirus products for windows vista.

The page is not saying that they are the only antivirus providers for vista - they just have ‘free trials’ going.

However, I don’t see why Alwil can’t set up a similar page on their website, offering avast home and pro for vista.

And it seems that the ‘specials’ are for RC1 only

This is something that I found disturbing from The newly merged ‘Windows Secrets & Langa List’ newsletter.

And, by the way, one of the reasons Grisoft is trying to move all its customers to the new versions is that AVG AntiVirus 7.5 (free and paid) will ship with the "Security Center" in the soon-to-be-released Windows Vista. That makes AVG one of the most widely applicable AV tools in existence: Version 7.5 will run on all versions of 32-bit desktop Windows from Win98 through Vista.

I wonder how much that is costing Grisoft or if Alwil could get some of this preferential treatment ?

I mean what could be more special than the free version of avast, they start with the pro trial version after 60 days if they don’t sign up it reverts to the home version, great deal, special ;D 8)

Actually there is a page about avast! and Vista on Alwil’s site - READ HERE
But the link for the page is not listed on the main page of avast.com :-\

Oh darn XMAS, you gave the answer away. :slight_smile:

Though it’s listed on the “News” page, which is accessed from the home page, as an alternative, I’ve been patiently waiting to see if anyone would actually search “avast vista”, or something similar on Google. That’s the first page that comes up in the results. You can then backtrack from there to see where it’s at on the website.

It’s also the first item on the 9/25/06 revision history page for version 4.7.892.

Sounds to me like avast has it covered.


Oh, and dovetailing off of xistenz’s post, wouldn’t offering a “free trial” to the free version be a bit of an oxymoron?

I believe I understand why avast isn’t listed there, but hey, maybe I’m missing something from the “concerns” presented in this thread…

Alwil? ??? ::slight_smile:

Almost 2 weeks have past since this Thread was started.
A thread which obviously requires an answer from Alwil.
I personally think it’s an important thread and deserves an answer. :o
It’s hard to recommend avast to potential Vista users unless we know for sure
that avast! is fully compatible with the new operating system. :-[

Your concerns have already been answered in previous posts on this thread:

And XMAS already posted the page in this thread:


Yikes! ??? ::slight_smile: :o :-[

What was the question, really?

  1. Avast is not listed on the RC1 page because it is not listed. I don’t know what to say more about this…

  2. It is not true that the avast Vista compatibility is not stated on the main www.avast.com page.

And, by the way, one of the reasons Grisoft is trying to move all its customers to the new versions is that AVG AntiVirus 7.5 (free and paid) will ship with the "Security Center" in the soon-to-be-released Windows Vista.

That is a lie (not too rare phenomenon for ‘langa list’, actually). A mis-interpreted press release, to be more precise. All the PR is saying is that they’re listed on that page on MS website.

And, by the way, the RC1 page will soon be withdrawn soon (replaced by the final (RTM) version - with very different product listing).


Why isn’t Alwil a Windows Vista RC1 Antivirus Provider (yet).

That’s the answer… I thought you’ll know this… ::slight_smile:

That’s not my point. Maybe a point from the other users.

From posts in this thread:

I think your questions were again answered in the thread, were they not?

I’d like to understand your concern, but I’m having trouble following your train of thought.

RC1 is not the finished product. With humble respect, who cares if you’re an “official provider” for a beta?

As Vlk said:

Out of curiosity, exactly what answer would you have expected to be given?


It was a point raised by me on the 18 November and at that time there was no reference to Vista as there is now. There is no way I missed it as I was looking for reference to it and at that time the only thing close was the Microsoft Certified Partner icon. But, it is good to see that it has now received the prominent mention it deserves as people gear up to Vista.

I expect an answer, whatever, I did not ask just to ask. The question is not that difficult.
Maybe just saying what you’ve said: RC1 is not the finished product. With humble respect, who cares if you’re an “official provider” for a beta?. But, with this answer, in my opinion, is saying that Grisoft is fool, supporting a beta product.
It’s difficult to believe that a Microsoft partner, the first compatible antivirus with Vista, was not listed there…
Anyway, even Alwil knows the answer so… my question, regardless any comment, remains opened. I’ll do it again:

Why isn’t Alwil a Windows Vista RC1 Antivirus Provider (yet)?


Well, I would have thought that xistenz’s answer was the obvious one, but I think I understand your point now.

Thanks for the response.

Technical, the answer to your question is: “ALWIL (avast) IS a Windows Vista RC1 Antivirus provider” (that is, it provides a Vista RC1 (and RTM) -compatible AV solution - so there’s no WHY… :)".

But if the question really is “why isn’t ALWIL (avast) listed on that page”, the answer is “because our sales team was probably not aggressive enough to force MS to get them listed”.

And my side note is (as already said): the RC1 page will be withdrawn shortly, so there’s no need to try too hard to get there anyways.

The “real” (RTM) page is a different story - and let me say that the conditions that MS defined to get to that page are VERY hard to meet… let’s see, maybe we’ll get there in 2007.
