Why my topic is deleted..?


I’m not good at english.

Seems my topic @ Virus & Worms is removed,
name was “Hacking Install Wizard Question”.

Can I know why it is removed so I can avoid the delete for next time?


If it is easier for you, there is a non-English section

Thanks , but my language is not listed.

Is Reply my topic myself is against rule?
All I remember is
I wrote reply on my topic with additonal information few minutes ago,
Then I decided to attach more information ( new aswMBR, malwarebyte logs),

But when I came back, topic itself is gone.

Edit :

Wierd… now my old topic is also gone.
What am I doing wrong…?

Old topic is gone for no reason. (which is closed )

Your original topic is in the Viruses and worms section https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=157726.msg1139239 I suggest you keep the same subject matter in the same thread and not all over the forum.

and also this one https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=161934.0

That one is deleted now also :slight_smile:

First of all,

I apologize for multipel write -
I couldn’t find delete button of topic , and Though I should write ask about post delete on this forum. (General Topics, because it said ‘anything and everything about this board’ )

Then I saw CraigB’s reply that I should discuss topic on same forum,
so I wrote it on Virus & Worm again.

I’m not familiar with these kind of board which is not using on my contury, Sorry if I broke any rule -

my topics were removed by moderator , include today’s ‘Hacking Install Wizard Question’ and
old one, ‘Bdcam.exe false positive?’.

No rule broken, it just makes the help easier to provide if related matters are kept in the original topic and area that deals with those problems.

As I said earlier your topic Bdcam is still in the Viruses and Worms board https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=157726.msg1139239

Thank you ,

I’m not writting this for argue or complain why my topic is removed.

Reason I keep asking you about ‘Why my threads are gone’ and
wrote the topic today “Hacking Install Wizard Question”
(It is still exist on google cache, now its gone)
is -

I keep having account stolen issue on investgate (Not @ Avast! forum)

So I wonder if this is also related with it.

Is there any way to find out
why my all threads are now gone ?

Yes, I saw that bdcam.exe stuff is exist, but my total message decreased 1 from 6 in that time.
also topic can’t be opened by goggle.
says : The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you.

Again, I’m not writting for disturb or complain -
Just want to know if it was related with my account hacking issue , or moderator removed my topics.

The doubled posts on the forum that I removed are not related to your Google/Browser cache

Not sure why the link to your topic wont work for you, it works fine here and the topic isn’t locked or closed.

Try closing your browser and clean your browsers cache with CCleaner or similar.

Okay, maybe my poor english keep lost the point of question.
I will ask you one last time -

My total topic was 6, but after my thread that I wrote today was removed → it became 1.

So Is there any way to find out why my topic that I wrote is removed?
(Name : Hacking Install Wizard Question @ Viruses and worms)
I can ask it to moderator? or…?
Seems Pondus from Virus and Worms wrote in this topic as well but
I afraid if I ask it to Virus and Worms forum it can be another multiple thread.

God, I would not care if I had not problem with my bank account was stolen few weeks ago.

Sorry again for bothering you, and
Thank you again for help, CarigB.

Edit : Ahh, I can’t delete topic myself, right?
So at least then its not by someone who stole my account then removed my post ?

Whilst it isn’t locked or closed it is a very old topic and would get a forum advisory to state it is over 20 days old.

One thing for sure that topic from 23 October 2014 is unrelated to this disappearing topic.

@ hemicranias
You have recently had duplicate posts as a result of a bug in the forum software - as can be seen from your post count (2) not matching up with your actual forum posts (7) (now updated since your last post) - this happens after duplicates have been posted and corrective action is taken to remove the duplicates, it messes up the post count.

I fear that this corrective action has resulted in all duplicates being removed - one moderator removing one and at or close to the same time another moderator removing the other.

When dealing with duplicates it is important to leave the earliest post in place so as not to remove all - an exception to that would be if someone had already replied to one of the duplicates. This requires that all duplicates are opened to see if there is any activity before removal.

As I said earlier I removed those posts because they were replicating what you had already started in the viruses board and you need to keep the same problem in the same topic to receive efficient help to solve the issue.

They weren’t duplicate posts David, just similar posts in several areas all relating to the original issue.

But that ‘Install Wizard Hacking Question’ : I never wrote it on this topic or write multiple time.
It just disappeared.

I understand what you means,
about “Why my topic removed” Question stuffs :
I wrote it here then saw your message that keep the same problem on same topic,
had no way to remove this topic so wrote it on virus & worms topic, then new one removed by Pondus.
I get it.

Anyway only one thing I concern is :
Since I can’t remove topic myself,
The happen that my “Hacking Install Wizard Question” topic removed is not by
some one logged on my account and removed it, right?

Right “correct” your account is not hacked.

Sorry for the long reply and thank you again, CarigB.

You’re welcome :slight_smile: