Is it really necessary for AvastSvc.exe to make so many different connections from so many ports to Avast!'s servers? This really seems excessive and the picture doesn’t even show all of them. There were about 10 more.
Running IP traces on these connections I get the following: Akamai Akamai Google Google Level 3 Communications GTE Intelligent Network Services The Weather Channel The Weather Channel
Why in the world is Avast! connecting to these places? The Weather Channel? I know Akamai is a company that facilitates delivery of web content including advertising and we all know that Google collects information for advertisers. Are we submitting information to advertisers without knowing it and is this how AlWill makes enough money to give away the Free Antivirus product? I expected to see the IP’s trace back to Alwil or Avast! but not a single one did.
Seriously ???
The Weather Channel?
That certainly seems odd.
If so, I at least want my local dopplar radar in the Avast! UI ;D
these are web shield connections, Avast is not doing that : Avast “adware” connections if any are launched by AvastUI, not svc. Close your browser and look at you connection list again, wait a minute and see what’s closing…
Ahh It looks like you’re right. The connections change depending on the web page you visit so it most likely is the Web Shield doing it’s job. All is well then but it did seem strange :