why?These pictures have what not satisfactory?
Why?these photographs have what BE ,dissatisfied?
Notify me of replies?
These pictures have what not satisfactory?delivered to post on this web page, is always deleted by the net lord?
Am I a HongKongness, only know Chinese writing language? Do these sentence writings translate into English sentence literalness language with Chinese web page?
do not use large pictures in signatures or avatars (mind other users who might have weaker connection and smaller display resolution)
Whilst this refers to avatars the same could be applied to all images posted on the forums, consideration for others with weaker connections or low resolution monitors, especially when the topic is likely to be of very limited interest/information/use for forum users.
Not to mention the topic is so far off topic for the forum they are posted in. If you remember I mentioned the above points in one of your other Topics. Possibly one that was removed.
I’m not a moderator just an avast user like you, but I think that this is why they may have been removed.
Not to mention the topic is so far off topic for the forum they are posted in. If you remember I mentioned the above points in one of your other Topics. Possibly one that was removed.
This is also what I basically told you in answer to the [b]PM[/b] you sent me....