Why was Avast incompatible with Outlook Express?

Respected forum,
Since yesterday, May 20, 2005, after an automatic updating of the system of Avast, the following problem is happening: The e-mails that I receive more they cannot be discharged in my Outlook Express. I have to DISABLE Avast to get to receive my e-mails for OE ! ! !
I entered in contact with my provider, and they said that the problem is of the configuration of the antivirus. Please, what do I have to alter in the configurations of Avast receive my e-mails for OE again?
Angela Maria Mazzucco

Please, can you say what is your mail-provider setting (in Avast!)? (right click on the blue ball to open this panel →

Ok! There it is going the image than you asked me:

Hi, I notice that you AVG Resident Shield enable, I suggest removing AVG to avoid conflicts. :slight_smile:

If you’re an advanced user you can configure both email resident scanner.
The major shield will bring a lot of trouble with avast.

Am I blind or those two screenshots are exactly the same ? Also, none of them is showing your Internet Mail provider, which btw has something to do with your Outlook Express… It’s showing your WEB SHIELD provider which has nothing to do with your problem. Also, as Fixer already mentioned, AVG is resident in your system along with avast! Not a best thing you could do… two antiviruses with resident protection enabled on the same machine, won’t protect you better if you think so… you’ll just get yourself more and more troubles. Read some of many many posts in these forums and you’ll see why is that…

Hello Tech!

Do you understand the Portuguese language?
Se compreender, então por favor, me explique porque eu sempre usei os 2 antivírus (AVG e Avast) e SOMENTE AGORA, ocorreu este problema !!! Se é questão de configurar o Avast, então por favor, me dê uma dica de como fazer isto, porque eu já vasculhei tudo no Avast e não encontro como fazer isto …
Muito obrigada,
Angela Maria Mazzucco

Blind man, you should not not be, but, badly behaved, that I am sure ! ! !

The perhaps not so subtle hint he is dropping is, if they are identical then two are not needed, you can Modify your post and untick one of the image attachments.

OK, DavidR !

See so well as an answer educated as yours, it facilitates the things. . . I will do what you suggested right now.
With a hug of Angela !

And what for attitude like that ? We all are trying to help you and started to yell… Not quite best way to start in these forums I’m afraid. I was just pointing out that you posted two exactly same screenshots and none of them was the one that Kamulko asked you to post, the one that suppose to show something that actually has to do with your problem you mentioned in your intitial post…

Badly behaved ? I am not sure you understood my reply to you quite well… Because, all I was telling you is that you can not have two resident antiviruses on the same machine running in the same time, and all that without having problems… that’s all.

Well, if you take some time to search these forums, you may find some facts why having two or more antiviruses with resident protection enabled in the same time on the same computer is not the cleverest thing one can do… :wink:

Easy there, tiger. Lets not scare away customers. ;D

Angelazz, did you install AVG recently? It might be interfering with avast.

Sorry for what I say you now… but YOU are not educated: I replied to you and you had disappeared! You’re not the only one who is in this behaviour and (honestly) this is a bad mode to appreciate our help to you and the other guys and girls that are spending the time and the passion for aid who is in difficulty. ADDED: I know well SZC and I don’t tolerate your words about Sasha, one of the most (or THE most!)educated persons here.

Everyone here is educated, however, your response to sZc was far from non educated. You need to be patient for they are trying to help.

Hmmm… ???

I know I’m not a moderator, but I would suggest to everyone to calm down. :wink:

Don’t forget it is VERY easy to misunderstand each other when people from different countries using different languages try to explain something together. :slight_smile:

On top of this, e-mails or chat rooms makes it impossible to get the voice tone, etc. Maybe it was not bad behaviour after all. I would give everyone the benefit of the doubt. :-*

Hello xistenz!

No. . . happened the opposite exactly! I installed AVG there is plenty of time, and only recently is that installed Avast.
I found curious the fact that this problem happened EXACTLY after the automatic updating of the system of Avast ! ! ! I am sure that this problem (more I cannot discharge the e-mails in OE without before to disable Avast) has some relationship with this updating.

In previous message, Tech gave me the hunch: “If you’re an advanced user you can configure both email resident scanner.” But he didn’t speak anything else. . . and I already got tired from searching the commands of Avast to try to do this configuration that allows the greeting of e-mails for OE without having to disable Avast.

I will only buy Avast, if I get to solve this problem, because doesn’t make sense to pay for a product that doesn’t work appropriately!


Angela Maria Mazzucco

If you still have AVG and avast installed there could be conflicts and we won’t know if this is a conflict problem. AVG also has a mail scanner and possibly the two could be in conflict.

I suggest that you uninstall AVG before trying anything further.

Tech may have been asking (in a way) if you are an advanced user, before offering further advice.

this product works perfectly, not just as you said “appropriately”… your problem is that you are using two antiviruses on the same computer, and that’s what we all are trying to explain to you… avast! was not built to work “appropriately” with another antivirus resident in the system.

avast! same as other antiviruses, works on a low driver level, and even if it’s fully disabled, it’s components are always “alive” somewhere inside. Same story with some other antivirus tool…
And this is the exact reason why those programs won’t work properly with each other.

avast! however does it’s job perfectly if you use it and configure it correctly and properly.

Also, avast! doesn’t have a problem with Outlook Express at all. They just adore each other ;D Many of us are using OE perfectly in tune with avast! and none of us is having problems you mentioned.

If you wanna try avast! before you buy it, you will need to completely uninstall AVG… from the scratch… just then you can be sure that nothing is on avast!'s way… then, you can really try how everything works

Because the last version of AVG email scanner is on conflict with avast Internet Mail provider.
Better, it could be because AVG could lauch the driver before avast and then the conflict.
This just happens in this week AVG update.

Porque a última versão do escâner de email do AVG entra em conflito com o provedor de emails do avast.
Melhor dizendo, isto pode ocorrer porque o AVG pode iniciar o driver (de escaneamento) antes do avast, surgindo o conflito.
Isto só ocorreu na última versão do AVG (desta semana).