It’s funny, after installing the new avast Free version 7, to see the ad at the bottom of the summary screen saying “You’ve chosen to install Google Chrome. Have you tried it yet?”
NO, I did not choose to install Google Chrome. I went through the Custom install so I wouldn’t get the desktop gadgets and webrep apps and other junk I don’t need or want. (fine if you like them and use them, that’s all up to you, but thank you for the option not to install them if I don’t want them)
I did not choose to install Google Chrome. I was not asked or given the choice anywhere that I could see.
I did not choose to install Google Chrome. Yet what’s the first thing I see after hitting Install?
“Please wait while we install Google Chrome on your computer.”
I did not choose to install Google Chrome. Yet it tried to set itself as my default browser (of course), added itself to my QuickLaunch bar, and plopped an icon on my desktop.
I did not choose to install Google Chrome. Yet it was installed on my system.
Without asking.
Without any option.
Without my choice.
That’s the kind of lame garbage I expect from third rate programs downloaded from questionable sites.
Not from a company that produces such a fine program as avast…
When installing you should have seen the google chrome options in the initial installation screen before you elected to use a custom install, see image.
I still think the Google Chrome installation should be opt-in and not already pre-checked. Yes, go slow, read before clicking, etc. but I know many inexperienced users who will still click OK and then be wondering why this new program they didn’t want was installed. They just aren’t sure what to do with these dialog boxes (they don’t even know what to call them).
Anyway, I still believe additional software installations that are offered by installers should be by default opt-in; if you want it you can check the box and go ahead.