Why won't Avast work on my PC?

Ok, here’s the thing: I know that there is no such thing as one security program that will find everything. As a result i use a combination of programs. I use Spybot S&D, Advanced System Care, Iobit Security 360, and Avast.

Anyway, i ran a scan on my PC yesterday and Avast was freaking out and telling me I have a Trojan. It seems that there are hundreds of files on my computer infected with this trojan. The trojan is: Win32:Delf-MZG

Avast gave me the option of repairing the files. When I clicked repair, nothing happens. When i click any other option it makes things worse. It seems that now that Avast FINALLY FINDS a trojan it won’t do anything about it except freak out and tell me I have it. The only thing Avast will do is delete the infected files(which are a LOT).

Infact, Avast wouldn’t even let me do anything. Anything i click on Avast would NOT let me run because it says it’s infected. I had to uninstall Avast just so that i could use my computer.

Anyway, I am basically S.O.L. when it comes to money for the next few months so until then, does anybody know how i can get rid of this freakin’ trojan without having to reformatt my hard drives? Is there a way to repair my infected files?

Again, the name of the trojan i have is: Win32: Delf-MZG

Any help would be nice

I would have everything backed up on my PC but money has been tight and i haven’t been able to afford to buy some blank CDs.

Please update to the latest version of VPS - it solves the problem (false alarm).

Cool! I installed the most recient avast freeware and it seems the problem is solved. Thx for the info! :stuck_out_tongue: