Why won't my Outlook Express work?

I downloaded Avast and now my Outlook Express gives me an error. When I turn off Avast it is fine.

The server responded with an error. Account: ‘mail.popp.net’, Server: ‘mail.popp.net’, Protocol: POP3, Server Response: ‘-ERR concurrent connections limit in avast exceeded(pass:20, processes:ccSvcHst.exe[19], msimn.exe[1]), there is a collision with another program’, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC90

Any thoughts?

I love easy ones, this is the culprit processes:ccSvcHst.exe[19] and it shows that you still have Symantec/Norton installed or remnants of it left on your system and it is causing a collision.


The ccsvchst.exe file is automatically added to your computer upon installing the Norton software, and it is referred to as the Symantec Service Framework.

Have (or did) you another AV installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?

A link worth looking at, which is a program removal tool that can remove the remnants of a number of different Norton Programs:
Removing your Norton program using SymNRT

I do have Norton installed on my PC. Is that not compatible with Avast? Does Avast do everything Norton can do? Why would it interfere with my email?

lol. No, they aren’t “compatible.” You should only use ONE anti virus at a time. I’m not saying “scan” one at a time, I’m saying “Installed” at one time.

Use DavidR’s link to get the Norton removal tool for whichever version that you have, and remove it.

Norton is possibly the worst piece of security software when it comes to compatibility with other security software. Even when removed using add remove programs, there are frequently remnants left that continue to cause conflicts. You only have to browse the forums to see these problems with Norton remnants.

So you should uninstall it using add remove programs, followed by a reboot and then run the Norton removal tool that I suggested to make sure everything is gone.

Having two resident scanners installed is not recommended (and that includes Norton especially) as rather than provide twice the protection it can cause conflicts that could leave you more vulnerable.

Sometimes (always!) after using a program removal option it is best to then manually remove all references that remain to the program (Start; Find, etc.)

The problem being manual removal if often very painful as there are just so many locations to root through other than just what might be in the explorer search.