
why tech and DAvid Rhave their country flag on his avatar picture…but i dont have?(r this question over stupid?

Click the link “member map” and add your pin.

You can enlarge map to place your pin more easily because it tends to get crowded. Just choose your country or region from the drop-down list above the map.

hahaha i m such stupid…thank you old man…

No, you are not stupid. You just did not know. :wink:

It would have been stupid if you wondered how, but never asked ;D

There are lots of things that you can do with your forum profile and the look and feel of the forum, like the Member Map, Forum Theme, etc. so it will take a little time to find your way around this functionality and flexibility. Let you mouse do the walking and click some of the buttons and investigate.

Interestingly I can’t see my own flag as I’m using the babylon theme and there are some differences that is one of them.

thank…did u say forum theme???how???can i change the forum theme ???how?

You can change the forum theme by clicking “Look and layout preferences” in your profile.

See what I mean, lots of exploring to do, buttons to press, links to click ;D get into your profile and have a good rummage about, enjoy.
