Wi-Fi Inspector / Weak PW? - False

Avast says the PW is weak?

I tried adding an exclamation point to the PW first, and then to the Login ID

I tried a GRC High Security PW

Then, I clicked the Avast cells for ID and PW, and see that it’s looking at the default Login (Admin) and PW (none) / Same with the Obihai (admin/admin)

Then, I clicked the Avast cells for ID and PW, and see that it's looking at the default Login (Admin) and PW (none) / Same with the Obihai (admin/admin)
Yes, and ?

Those are the default passwords . . . Why is it looking at those? . . . They are not the passwords I have entered to use

It is looking at both … network name and conencting passord + device log in name and password

If anyone connect to your network, then they can log in to your device (router ) and change lots of stuff including default log in name and passoword so that you are not able to log in

you find default lists online, like this https://192-168-1-1ip.mobi/default-router-passwords-list/

. . . It is looking at both … network name and conencting passord + device log in name and password

As I understand it: the notification is just for the device - the router or Obihai

Network name and connecting password . . . for my ISP, Spectrum? PW for my modem? . . . an Arris SB6183 . . . WiFi Inspector does not show this, it’s not in the list

. . . If anyone connect to your network, then they can log in to your device (router ) and change lots of stuff including default log in name and passoword so that you are not able to log in

I just tried the default Login and PW. As expected, I could not login, because I have previously changed the PW.

I still don’t understand why it looks at the default passwords, and thinks I’m using them.

I still don't understand why it looks at the default passwords, and thinks I'm using them.
If you have changed your default router admin log in name / password (not WiFi name/password) and avast still say they are default then i guess it is a avast bug?


Now you’re making me think

. . . this router, the . . . D-Link EBR-2310 . . . does not do Wi-Fi

. . . the Obihai . . . ObiTALK . . . Obi202 . . . does no do Wi-Fi . . . unless I plug in this adapter, which I don not have . . . https://amzn.com/B007R6F7PS

But, Avast Wi-Fi Inspector thinks they do, apparently, in error

found this online … see attached screenshot

unless I plug in this adapter, [b]which I don not have[/b]
Is there a program related to this device installed?

Anyway i dont use avast so have no idea

Software for the Obi 202 Wi-Fi adapter? . . . I don’t know

Also plugged into the router, I have an . . . Apple, AirPort Extreme, Model A1408, 5th generation, June 21, 2011
. . . I (personally) installed no software for it
. . . So, I would think it’s probably like that for the Obi 202 Wi-Fi adapter