Hello there. I’ve got several wifi networks at home. Today I made scan of my wifi, results was OK, then I switch to another one (which has never been scanned ) and I saw on my screen this wifi is secured too. So I’m asking wtf? Does this feature even work or it’s just pointless toy?
Any reason to believe one of the networks is not secure ?
It’s obvious. How can Avast tell me it’s secure, without scanning of that wifi?
And what makes you believe that avast didn’t scanned it ?
You don’t have to manually tell avast to scan a network.
Because I saw message about "secured " wifi in the same second when I switched networks. So I kept screen open and I was curious if I’ll see any scan progress. I didn’t. So I have 2 explanations.
- This feature does literally nothing.
- Avast is too perfect and scanning of new wifi network takes miliseconds. ;D
did you setup the network recently (meaning pretty much right before the scan)? Is the network “yours”?
No, it’s been setup long time ago, but device never been connected to this network, so no password was inserted to my device. And yes, this network belongs to me. Actually it’s my wifi on 5GHZ frequency.
is the device new? Did you perform (or let Google perform) a restore of your apps and settings from another device?
No, device isn’t new, but on November I made factory reset. Yesterday I decided to connect to 5GHZ, that’s why I was surprised Avast didn’t performed wifi scan, but I get notification it’s secured.
Well if you didn’t perform any restore then I personally have no idea where the result came from.
I can conform this issue. I have a home network consisting of three wifi spots with the same Sid.
Once one of the WiFi access points is scanned, the others are deemed safe as well.
So if an attacker copies my network sid and password, my phone will connect to it while roaming and avast won’t worn me, because I scanned my home network once before.
I think this option gives a false sense of security.
I had rather that the option to scan WiFi networks was optional and can be disabled.
Yes you can ignore scanning the network but you keep getting a red notification icon saying the network might be dangerous. I find this very enoying.
This might even be the reason for me to stop using avast after years of using it.