I plan to buy avast server/professionnal, so I’m testing it on my network.
I encounter a stange issue, some of the computers on which I deployed the pro version trought adnm appear with adress after few minutes and I can’t manage them anymore.
I tried to uninstall the pro version with the uninstall program from Avast and tried to deploy the program but it’s the same thing.
No firewall is active on the client which are Windows XP SP2
Help please before I become a goat making BEIIII
I have had similar problems with computers that come and go a lot on the network - particularly laptops. If you run the discovery task again and refresh the computer groups (by pressing F5) they probably pop up again with the real IP.
However, I have a feeling that absence of domain suffix in the DNS settings on the client is in some way connected to this behavior (not an issue for domain computers). I’m not sure about this point, though… :
Anyway, I added domain suffix to the troubled laptops, and now the problem has gone
I tried to apply what you said, but no refresh or no discovery task give me back control on the “managed” avast pro, and the stations still have adresses The only one which is still managed is a computer which not using wifi. so do you think it’s a wifi issue ?
Well, could be… But the wi-fi clients should behave pretty much like wired clients… :
I think you should look at your router configuration - maybe the ADNM port (currently 16111, previously 6011) is blocked to/from the wireless segment?! If you cant find anything suggesting this try creating a port forward anyway from all clients to your ADNM server. That might work…
I really think it’s a wireless issue because now, I have 4 Wired clients and 16 Wireless clients and all the wireless clients have as IP adress and all the wired clients are OK.