I’m not too pc savy so excuse my ignorance. did a wifi check and there’s a few ip’s I don’t recognize, is that an issue or am I tapping into the neighbors wifi or vise versa!
Post a screenshot.
isn’t posting a sceenshot opening myself to hackers?
Well, it depends what the screenshot shows.
well I id’d peverything except this one called Hon Hai
Contact support then: https://support.avast.com/support/tickets/new
If they are local network IPs then any external source still has to go through your firewall and your security program/s to be able to do anything.
If they are external IPs then I would say they are less of an issue.
But for sure no one can say without information, chicken and egg.
Right on, thanx, I’m just paranoid. Turns out it was my blu ray that was off, I went around unplugging stuff and found it. I feel like a dingbat thinking “they” were listening in on me.
No problem, just because your paranoid, doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you