Will AAT still work if I log out from Market/Gmail on my device?

Let’s say I lose my phone, so on my PC I go to the Google App Passwords (for 2-step verification users) web page https://security.google.com/settings/security/apppasswords and I revoke the password for my Android device, because I don’t want that someone who finds the phone can use my Gmail email etc.
Therefore, the Market, Gmail and other Google apps on my phone won’t be able to connect to Google servers.

My question is: will Avast Anti-Theft web commands still be pushed to my phone in this scenario? Or do they need a logged–in Google account on the phone?

I am asking because I am testing this scenario and the web interface seems to be unable to send commands to my phone, while SMS commands still work fine.
The web site receives location tracking from my phone, but my phone does not get web commands.

BTW, I use a different email address for my Avast Account, not the same as in my phone’s Google account, but I don’t think that matters.

wait, what? are you required to have/login to a GOOGLE account in order to use Avast anti-theft?? I have one I suppose, since I use Gmail, but I never login (as far as I know)… and would certainly logout if I noticed… Is this why the web AAT page cannot contact/locate my phone? Was I supposed to use a Gmail address to setup the Avast web user?

TIA for any enlightenment.

  • jack

To be clear, I was not talking about the email address you use for your Avast account.
I was talking about the Google account on your phone, which you need in order for Google services (gmail/playstore/google+ etc.) to work. Usually you can not log out, but you can revoke access in 2-step verification, like I said.
So, I noticed that Avast web commands are not pushed to my phone after I revoke my phone’s access to Google services.

On the network you are connected to, if google play services port is blocked by firewall or by the service provider, for instance, then avast cant communicate with your device.

So, I think, you are both correct, yes.

That reminds me that I could not activate my premium license on an old phone of mine with Android 2.2.1. In fact, the error message complained about “no Google Play Services”.
According to this Google page, devices older than Android 2.3 do not get Play Services.

The weird thing, though, is that AAT does install and actually sort of works on Android 2.2.1 with no Play Services, even receives web commands. Avast apps checked for Google Play Services only when I tried to activate my premium license.

I found an old thread https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=120135.0 with this explanation by an Avast representative: