Will avast 5 still talk?

I like how avast talk whenever it updates or finds a virus.Will the talking still be included in avast 5?

I believe so, though that hasn’t been confirmed, but it has been there for a very long time.

Yes, the sounds will remain.

Hi :slight_smile:

Thanks God! … For That! ::slight_smile:

Knowing that Avast 5 wont have skins…
I was really worried that the voice would be taken away too :-[

I don’t mind too much about the skins.
But I would have been really - >:( - if the voice had been taken away :cry:

As Long As The Voice Is Staying - " Your Virus Database Has Been Updated " - Then I’m Happy! :smiley:

Yes thank god.

I would have saved the Wave files from one of my other PCs and transfered them over to use. (real geek).

Saving the .wav files wouldn’t have helped if the underlying voice notification functionality wasn’t there, but fortunately it looks like we don’t have to worry about that.

When can we get a preview of what Avast 5 will look like :)?


Good Luck^^


Thanks! :slight_smile:

Man voice or woman voice ? ;D

I hope for some new female voice!
Or male and female and you can choose… :slight_smile:

The voice notifications will stay but will probably be disabled by default.


Yeah, the voice notification is really a nice extra… but I could imagine that in bigger companies its not needed or even unwanted…

Possibly because if all computers are booted in the morning and on each PC you hear the voice “Your virus database has been updated…” it could be a bit annoying… ;D
Or if you are in a meeting and your PC/Laptop starts speaking… ;D

cuz they’re supposed to act serious guys. lol ;D

btw, i hope we’ll be able to change the sound file with something we want to replace. my voice, emmm :P, sth like “come on viruses let me hear your scream come on. there you gooo!!” :smiley: my voice while screaming would scare lots of ppl though. O_O

offtopic: The GUI looks NICE dudes! damn

Juat read the blog info and can’t wait for the new version, i also like the new 5.0 interface much better then the 4.8.