Will Avast come up with something like Ad Network Adaptor

See: https://blog.lookout.com/blog/2012/02/23/lookout-labs-releases-ad-network-detector-app-to-help-you-manage-your-privacy/
Malicious ad blocking will be more and more a necessity - domain and IP DNS blocking is the way to go.
Collected location information, for instance someone hasAdMob 3 apps - Collext device or mobile network information - e.g. Admob (3 apps),


I’ve tested in the past (don’t know if a recently move changed things) but I can’t see any other useful info that Avast won’t give the user.
By the way, if we think in users that want to get rid from ads, these scannings worth nothing: they show what we already know and do not allow us to do anything else than uninstalling the app.

For ads, MinMinGuard (+ XPosed) and (for browsing only) AdAway.
You can imagine why these tools are completely banned from Google Play :slight_smile: