Will Avast remove Malware/Spyware

Hi All,

Forgive me if this question has been presented and answered.

I have been using Spyhunter to remove Spyware and Malware from my computer. Just curious if Avast will do the same thing?
I have installed Avast Internet Security, will this remove what I want or is there another product Avast has that will do this task?



avast will remove all malicious program/code… but no security program have 100% detection

if you want an extra scanner i recomend malwarebytes. http://www.malwarebytes.org/

So you are saying Avast will not remove Malware aor Spyware such as Spyhunter?

I want to get away from having to pay for two programs if AVAST will do both!

To set this clear: avast! does detect/remove both…!!

Avast! will do boths. What Pondus is advicing is to have malwarebyte’s, which is free, as a second scanner (opinion)

Ok, Then it does both Antivirus and Malware … Great!
Its just I have not seen anythin labelled Maleware or Spyware

Yes Avast is amazing antivirus :smiley: You can help improve Avast detection by sending undetected malwares or FP,s to Avast lab via email,chest…

Malware is an umbrella term. :wink:

The Malwarebyte, it’s free but is there a subscription to keep it updated?

Something to be clear. Malware is short for malicious software. This includes viruses, worms, rootkits, trojans, spywares, adwares, and more.

Most antivirus now a days will protect you from all malware. Now you have to understand that no security program is 100 % secure. Too many malware are born every day and it is really hard to catch them all that is why it is always recommended to have a second scanner available. Malwarebytes’ is one of the best if not the best.

MBAM being free the updates have to be done manually. No subscription. Eventhough MBAM just cost like $ 25 for life if you want its real time protection too and automatic updates.

Thanks iroc9555, I appreciate your comments.

You are welcome :wink: