Will Best Buy's 6-month free antivirus software conflict with Avast?

The Best Buy chain of electronics stores here in the USA is currently running a promotion where they include a free 6-month to 15-month subscription to an antivirus software program, with the purchase of a computer. The 6-month promo (which is the one affecting desktop computer purchases) appears to be a choice between Kapersky, Trend Micro, or Webroot. (The computer I plan to buy this weekend also comes with a pre-installed 60-day trial of PC-Cillin.) Would any of these antivirus programs create a conflict with Avast!?
(I routinely delete the free trial version of Norton Antivirus that comes with HP computers from Best Buy once I get Avast! installed, because of the conflict between those 2 programs; however, if those other programs don’t conflict with Avast and don’t cost me anything, it might be nice to have a double layer of antivirus protection for the first few months with a new computer.)

:slight_smile: Hi :

Almost ALL antivirus programs conflict with each other ; “Offers” like Best Buy
are for the vast majority of Users who are very naive when it comes to
computer security . The 3 you mention will all conflict with Avast; no need
from a user like you to need their antivirus “offer” .
You should ask the Best Buy salesperson to make sure there are no security
programs on the computer you are buying, otherwise, you should use a FREE
program like the One at www.pcdecrapifier.com .

I already use Avast! on each of my computers at home, and am quite satisfied with it. If those other programs are going to conflict with Avast! the way Norton does, I’ll just delete them, too. (Although I remember one old computer that came with a year’s worth of McAfee Antivirus, which managed to peacefully coexist with Avast! on the same machine – but that was several years ago, so perhaps my memory’s faulty on that.)

You should only use 1 antivirus on one computer.Using 2 can slow down your computer and cause alot of conflicts.If you want extra protection,use a good firewall and anti spyware

Yes. Any of them.

Windows Vista comes with Windows Firewall, and I’ve got CA Anti-Spy through my ISP (AT&T/Yahoo!); those both seem to work fine with my existing computers.

Yes Windows Vista Firewall is a really good choice its has 2 ways. No like XP… Now a day a 2 ways firewall is recommand so your Vista one can do the job. I also my self got UAC and Automatic update of Windows Products On. Also Malwarebytes 1.39 Free. Windows Defender. Avast! 4.8 Home. IE8 with Google Toolbar and Safari 4. Both of those are great and never had problem. I never tried and heard of CA Anti-Spy. So well if you want what i got its up to you but be sure to ask before. Because i didnt know if CA Anti-Spy would conflict with something on my kit. If u want u can use another Firewall or Browser but i can say what i said they are great browser. But its up to you. You can use instead of Safari 4 (Mozilla Firefox,Google Chrome…etc) And for firewall if u want another well its not required if you got the Vista One like i said its 2 Ways but if you really want another i would suggest (Online Armor,Zone Alarm,PC Tools,Outpost…etc) Are both 2 Ways Firewall like Vista. But i would keep Vista Firewall like me i do. Im happy with it and also never got problem with it so its all up to you like i say. Also the same thing for Windows Update if you didnt want something like they offer you Microsoft Silverlight and find it really no usefull well dont install it then :slight_smile:

Also never got 2 Anti Virus and 2 Firewall. Its really bad and each other can conflict.

My self i find my pc very fast and for Vista i got all these thing i said and its run both great.

Thank for reading and i hope i did suggest you something great and make your cpu more safety.

If you have any problem dont be shy to ask us. If you feel your pc really laggy you can disable some in Startup. Or clean some Temp and files no needed. But Vista can do clean some files no needed but no Temp. But this is another way and i think for now its wouldnt be needed.

Note : Later i heard that Microsoft will also disable Windows Defender so dont scare if you cant anymore enable it ;D


CA Anti-Spy does not seem to be a firewall.
antivirus can live with some antispywares. Both can live with firewalls.
The problem is when you get two programs for the same thing.

Tech, you’re right, CA Anti-Spy (also known as Yahoo! Anti-Spy) is not a firewall; it’s an antispyware program. For Windows Vista users, however, Vista includes a firewall.
Mr. Agent, thanks for all the good suggestions! What I’ve done with the other Vista computers at home already includes several of your ideas, and they seem to be working just fine.

For XP either.