Will Generate VRDB work with my settings?

I have about 3 terabytes worth of data on my computer. The initial boot scan with Avast took about 5 hours. With my power save settings, the monitor turns off after 10 minutes of inactivity, and the PC goes to sleep after 30 minutes. So Avast will get 20 minutes at a time (roughly an hour a day) to generate a VRDB. With these settings, is that enough time to create anything useful?

If it only focused on my system drive I think it would be enough, but if it wants to scan all local drives, I’d think it would never be able to catch up.

I truly appreciate the assistance.

VRDB could be generated on demand, then it will run each 21 days.
I won’t worry that much about VRDB anyway… it’s an obsolete technology that will be dropped in next version.