Will there be a fix for the lastest Avast?

Ok, there are two threads complaining about the latest build of Avast (4.1.389). About it being buggy and crashing out systems. It appears to mostly affect Win98 and WinME users.

Like others, I have found that disabling (not loading in) Avast clears the problems right up. Since disabling Avast, I can use my system fine, no crashing and I can adjust my video resolution without error.

But I haven’t heard of any fixes yet nor any confirmation from the people from Avast that there is a known problem. Will there be a fixed update anytime soon?

Not trying to be a prick, but I don’t like running without an AV and I really don’t want to migrate from Avast, I’ve been very impressed with this program otherwise.

Thanks in advance,

Am I not to get an answer then?


i’m sure alwil people are already trying to fix it…not to worry…avast has the BEST support… :wink:

Today or tomorrow, I’d guess…

IT"S OUT!!! ;D ;D ;D


4.1.396 ?

4.1.396 ?
