Will you help me root my device ? :)

Hi all,i just bought a new android phone,Alcatel OT 991.It only costed 130$ and for its low cost it looks great.The only bad thing is its very low internal memory,only 152 mb.There is no way that this device will survive w/o root,i need to root it so as to add more ROM etc.
Could you help me do that?Be nice,i have no idea ;D

have you tried android forum?


Hi Pondus,
i just registered there and made a topic,thank you for letting me know that this site exists,i’ve been searching for a decent site for 2 days :smiley:

Your welcome…

there is also a Alcatel OT-980 section http://androidforums.com/alcatel-ot-980/
so try searching for Your phone…

SuperOneClick worked with my Alcatel 990.


Here’s how you can free up some memory on an Alcatel.


Hi and thank you,i managed to root my phone with SOC and some other tools,it was a bit hard but i am so happy(and tired) at the end.I downloaded link2sd and i got more than 40mb free internal memory,i will download root unistaller to remove system applications(facebook,where is wally,youtube) and will reinstall them in my mem card.