Win 10 update to 1903 failed - Error 0x80070005

Win 10 update to 1903 failed - Error 0x80070005

Apparently, this is a permissions access error.

Could this be due to Avast?

Is this the fix?

Avast / Menu / Settings / Troubleshooting / [un-check] Enable Self-Defense

Can I be sure (to save time)? or would just a de-install/re-install of Avast make it a no-brainer?

Just updated 2 machines running Win 10 1903 64 Bit (one on latest Stable version and one on latest beta version Avast Prem).
No issue updating.

“Could this be due to Avast?”…Not here :slight_smile:

Check your access settings, Admin
Any other security software that might interfere with MS updates?

Here are some suggestions:
I personally disabled all Avast shields before starting the upgrade.

I also disconnected all attached external drives.

@ Bob
Ah, I misunderstood the OP’s issue. ;D

I registered on the forum JUST so I could angrily post this confirmation of @sludge7051-x 's theory:
Yes, when updating to 1903 (from 1803, in my case), the 0x80070005 error was explicitly caused by Avast.
NOTE: Avast caused this issue EVEN THOUGH the first thing I did was “permanently disable all shields” (!!!). >:( >:( >:(

I’ll elaborate more later, but in a post in a microsoft forum so that people actually see it, since I spent hours searching for information on why time and time and time again my 1903 update failed.

I finally tracked it down, and caught Avast red-handed:

The damning event was Event ID 1001 from Windows Error Reporting, and was found in Event Viewer > Windows Logs > Application … outrageously it was of “Information” type, so that all of my scouring through warnings, errors, and critical types produced nothing.

Here’s the details:
…note that the first “attached file” is .....\Sources\Panther\SetupAct.log
Well if you go to the directory that’s in, there’s also a MUCh more useful log: setuperr.log
Here’s that file:

And the money-shot:

2019-06-23 20:29:35, Error      [0x080782] MIG    CRegistryDataStore::Create: Failed to set reflection key flags for HKCU\Software\AVAST Software\Avast[gle=0x00000005]
2019-06-23 20:29:35, Error      [0x080789] MIG    CRegistryDataStore::Create: Failed to set LUA key flags for HKCU\Software\AVAST Software\Avast[gle=0x00000005]
2019-06-23 20:29:35, Error                 SP     Error WRITE, 0x00000005 while gathering/applying object: Registry, HKCU\Software\AVAST Software\Avast [HideBalloon]. Will return 0
2019-06-23 20:29:35, Error                 MIG    Error 5 while applying object HKCU\Software\AVAST Software\Avast [HideBalloon]. Shell application requested abort
2019-06-23 20:29:35, Error      [0x08097b] MIG    Abandoning apply due to error for object: HKCU\Software\AVAST Software\Avast [HideBalloon]
2019-06-23 20:29:35, Error                        Apply failed. Last error: 0x00000000
2019-06-23 20:29:35, Error                 SP     pSPExecuteApply: Apply operation failed. Error: 0x0000002C
2019-06-23 20:29:35, Error                 SP     Apply (first boot apply, offline phase): Migration phase failed. Result: 44[gle=0x00000002]

Again, I had already done a “permanently disable all shields”, long before this.

So, I uninstalled Avast.
It didn’t hurt a bit, as the “you’re being tracked! oooh scary!” nag-messages were over-the-line for me, already.

Rebooted, started the 1903 update again… voila… not 20 minutes later, it was done.

Again – I had to uninstall avast to actually successfully update to 1903. Disabling it was insufficient!!!

Thank you for sharing the logs. This looks like Avast self-protection blockage. Will try to reproduce this.

So my recommendation to turn off the Self Defense Module before attempting an update to 1903
might not be such a bad idea. :slight_smile:

Unfortunately I was not able to reproduce the bug :(. The update 1809->1903 with Avast (All shields on, self protection on) was successful.

For all affected users: Can you please provide the “c:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\log\selfdef.log” file?

Thank you

Yeah, I’m not shocked… I’m sure Microsoft is as much to blame as anyone else, and there’s probably a myriad of thousands of variables involved that MS just somehow can’t figure out a way to get around.

I found the following immediately after getting 1903 installed, while goooogling some section of that #1001 event… there’s certainly a 100% chance I could be wrong, since this tool is made by microsoft, but it might be a fantastic tool to future sufferers of windows update bugs:

About SetupDiag

SetupDiag is a standalone diagnostic tool that can be used to obtain details about why a Windows 10 upgrade was unsuccessful.

SetupDiag works by examining Windows Setup log files. It attempts to parse these log files to determine the root cause of a failure to update or upgrade the computer to Windows 10. SetupDiag can be run on the computer that failed to update, or you can export logs from the computer to another location and run SetupDiag in offline mode.


I don’t know if mine is gone because of uninstalling, but my folder structure looks a big different, and I don’t have that specific log, but I’ll attach a zip of the logs I do have. Here’s my folder structure, in case that’s relevant:

PS C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software> tree /f

├───Persistent Data
│   └───Avast
│       └───Logs
│               AvEmUpdate.log
│               AvEmUpdate.log.old
│               event_manager.log
│               Setup.log
│               Update.log
│               Update.log.old
│               Update.log.tmp.911424e7-58aa-4c7d-b972-43b270995276
│               Update.log.tmp.aa3576be-7f44-4c29-a1df-7ed9c77ddd0a

I too am having problems with the upgrade! If I go to open Avast Cleanup Premium, it says “oops, can’t open”, restart computer, reinstall app or contact support. I thought I would check here in the forums first. I use Microsoft Office 365 on a daily basis and it will not allow it to open at all! I am not a developer or programmer so some of your discussion sadly goes over my head. I have no idea how to post my logs. Not sure how to even find them. If directed, I am willing to go to the locations and do directed tasks to fix this. Any help would be appreciated!

jasonbuechler: Thank you for your effort, but the file selfdef.log is missing because Avast AV is already uninstalled.

This thread has gone quiet but I had 0x80070005 today, trying to move from Windows 10 x64 1809 to 1903. I run Avast Free 19.6.2383 (build 19.6.4546.508). I doubt it matters but the vps was 190722-4. The shields were all turned off before the upgrade started; if it matters, all normally run set to high sensitivity.

Earlier in the thread @Spec8472 asked for the selfdef.log. Mine is attached. I took a quick look at the log and there are entries during my attempts to upgrade.

Odd that some machines object to the upgrade and others run smoothly. Of course, it may not be an Avast problem!

Well, I uninstalled Avast and the upgrade ran successfully. Which suggests that there is an Avast problem. But doesn’t answer the question of why some machines ran the upgrade successfully and mine didn’t.

See if this is of any help to you:

Thank you; I had missed that thread.

It seems that there is a problem upgrading with the AV fully in place and running normally. You posted in May so Avast have had at least 2 months to identify the cause of the problem. It also seems that some systems do not have the problem; Spec8472 reported that his ran the upgrade properly even with shields in place.

I recognise that upgrading Windows is a challenging activity but I would very much prefer to be able to do it without arguing with my virus scanner. It would be helpful if Avast responded to the problem, if not offering a solution now,at least in time for the 1909 upgrade. If not a solution, a warning would be helpful (and this may require reaching out to Microsoft).

Avast work very closely with Microsoft. :slight_smile: As you can also see from the other threat, all of my systems are running v1903.

I tried to uninstall Avast free at least 10 times using Avast then different uninstall apps or utilities plus in safe mode. After uninstall I try to run 1903 update error states uninstall Avast.
Also just after a Avast uninstall I search C: for Avast, turns up a bunch of files. Looks like Avast uninstall leaves a lot behind. What to do next???

At the time (see above) I was using Avast Free version 19.6 and did a simple uninstall from the “Apps & Features” menu, and rebooted/restarted the system before trying the Windows upgrade. The suggestion is that version 19.7 has cleared the problem that gave rise to Windows upgrade failing. Which version are you using?

Starting from where you are, I would be inclined to use uninstall again (if Avast is still there), and then use the Avastclear utility to make sure everything really has has gone. Then restart/reboot so you have a clean system before trying the Windows upgrade.

You don’t say what was left behind or where (some examples might help) ?

That said there have been some instances of this (reported in the forums) where avast files are found in windows.old (backup of your last OS version) and this has resulted in 1903 not being installed. Ordinarily this should be removed by the OS 30 days after that particular OS update.