Win 2k Server and 10 workstations.


As I read your requirements, the only version that will run on Win 2k Server is the $399 server one. Is this correct? The Pro version won’t work?

If I have one Win 2K server and 10 other machines either running Win 2K Pro or XP, would I need the $399 version of server and 10 of the Pro versions or are the 10 included in the $399 server price?

I want to get the righ info.


As I read your requirements, the only version that will run on Win 2k Server is the $399 server one. Is this correct? The Pro version won't work?
This is correct. All editions of Windows server-based operating systems are supported under the Avast Server Edition, including Windows NT Terminal Server Edition, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, Windows 2000 Datacenter Server, Windows 2003 Server Web Edition, Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition, Windows 2003 Server Datacenter Edition, and Windows Storage Server 2003.
If I have one Win 2K server and 10 other machines either running Win 2K Pro or XP, would I need the $399 version of server and 10 of the Pro versions or are the 10 included in the $399 server price?
As I understand it, you are purchasing (or would be) a single license for the Server Edition. There are no other programs included. avast! 4 Server Edition is the most powerful protection to fight virus infections on your server or servers. It works both as a [i][b]standard protection of a file server[/b][/i], and also via its optional plug-ins as a protection of various server subsystems, such as electronic mail, firewall/proxy etc. Since it functions to protect your system/s at the server level, it should be sufficient to protect the servers in the network. The only problem I forsee is EMAIL. If you have company email, then you should configure Avast to monitor ALL emails. If any of the users in any one subsystem can access their own email, then they will be susceptible to virus infection unless their computer has antivirus-email software installed.

The BEST place to go for clarification of all this is SALES at


Thanks for the responce on both of my posts. I have bundled them together and passed them to the address you supplied.



Ok. You should get an answer soon.

and I also “bundled” my posts into correctly formatted quotes. :slight_smile:

The posts look “purdy” now. :wink:

OK maybe someone can answer these questions here because I am getting very frustrated by the lack of responce to my emails I have sent on this subject. Going on two weeks now and no answer… I hate to say this but I may be forced to another vendor soon.

The reason I came to the forums is the lack of responce to the first emails I sent.


You would need one server license ($399 for one year) and 10 additional Professional licenses ($24.95 each).

Thanks for the reply(s) Igor. Wow that’s a lot of money. Why do you charge so much for the server? Why is your server product so much more money than lets say Trend Micro’s server version? What does your product do that others don’t?

Don’t get me wrong I use the home version on all three of my home PC’s and love it. I have recomended it to several friends and neighbors also. What I can’t understand is the high cost of the server version.

One last question… What would you do if you were running Win2K Server at home? You can’t run the free home version on server, but you shouldn’t charge for home use…hmmm? Not looking for a way around my problem above, just something I thought of reading some of the forum entries.


Well I have to agree with the many posts of great support on the forum (as long as you ask a question they want to answer)

Thanks for helping me make my desicion to go elsewhere.


Obviously, it’s not a very common case, especially for Home version - it’s rather unlikely to use a (quite expensive) server OS for home non-commercial usage. If somebody does… well, it’s a pity, avast! is not for them.
Btw, I wouldn’t really say “you shouldn’t charge for home use” - that’s our policy whom to provide the free version, nothing else.

Good luck.