Win 32: Fake Vimes-B [Trj] how to remove????

Hey everyone,
I’ve got a problem i need some help with. I’ve tried everything i know and still haven’t had any luck.

I’m using a mac and i have recently replaced sophos antivirus with the free avast mac antivirus. I also have a windows bootcamp partition that is running avast as well. After installing avast on the OSX side, i ran a full system scan and it came back with and infection Win 32:FakeVimes-B [Trj]. Once the scan completed i tried to remove and repair the infection with no luck. I always got an error saying “User Permissions check failed: Read-only file system”. I have no idea how to fix this error so i decided to start up windows and do a scan with avast again, thinking it might have something to do with me trying to delete a file from windows while im in OSX. Now once the scan had finished, avast didnt find anything, which doesnt make sense to me. Why would avast for mac find it, but not avast for windows? So i ran another scan with malwarebytes and once again nothing. So i decided to run the same scan again in OSX thinking it might be an error, but no, it found it again. I decided to try another OSX based scan, with ClamXAV and that found nothing either. So its only avast for mac thats showing it.

This is really bugging me, sorry for the wall of text, but i just dont now what to do. Is it a false find, or is the really something there that nothing else can find. If anyone can help me remove it, it would be great.

Posted by: strat893
« on: Today at 07:15:07 AM »

I'm using a mac and i have recently replaced sophos antivirus with the free avast mac antivirus. I also have a windows bootcamp partition that is running avast as well. After installing avast on the OSX side, i ran a full system scan and it came back with and infection Win 32:FakeVimes-B [Trj]. Once the scan completed i tried to remove and repair the infection with no luck. I always got an error saying "User Permissions check failed: Read-only file system".
You have posted in an avast! windows section. You may wish to try here: There is also a sticky posted here re the new avast! for Mac here: I am certain you will get the help you need either here or over at the Mac section; one possible reason for one a/v finding and the other not is due to the two different file systems used by Mac and Windows and the differences in file permissions between them.

Thanks for redirecting me