I updated my Avast software and immediately received a warning that my computer was infected with Malware Win 32 rootkit-gen [RTK]. I ran Avast and it seems to have removed the virus. In the process of removing the virus it damaged something related to the “Sigma Tel High Definition Audio CODEC” and I currently have no sound.
I tried downloading a new driver for the Sigma Audio and received the same malware warning that the downloaded file is infected with Malware Win 32 rootkit-gen [RTK].
My question is, could this be a false positive I should ignore, or could the drivers on Dell’s website actually contain the virus?
yes… it could be a false positive… can you send the file to virus[at]avast[dot]com in a password protected archive (and mention the password in message body)? or you can post here the download link (replace the httby by hxxp to make it inactive)… the FP will then be fixed with next VPS update…
the same has happened to me today after update. i am running vista on a vaio. avast removed the files stwrt.sys in various locations. i tried to reinstall (STDAUD-01487701-UN.exe) but again the malware is detected… the sound driver version is 6.10.5614.0. is it a false positive?