My daughter picked up this trojan via a link on msn, bless her, we have 2 of the same, picked up on seperate occasions. I gather it’s also known as gaelium. It will not stay in the chest and pops up every time the computor is switched on, it also prevents closing down. It takes over msn and sends messages out of our control so we have uninstalled msn for the moment. I’m not a computor expert and if this trojan has been around a while it’s just arrived here in France and is causing problems. The french forums say that it’s impossible to get rid of but I can’t believe that. How did it get past avast? Please help us get rid it.
we heard about this issue… can you post here the HijackThis log? you can find many hints how to use HJT (here or via google)
HiJackThis Program & Tutorial - Also useful as a diagnostic tool - FileHippo Download - HiJackThis - HJT Information HiJackThis Tutorial.
I can’t post the Hijack Log report because “the message exceeds 10000 characters”
you can save the log and add it to the message as attachment…
Or you can divide it and use two posts to have it here.