Win 7 Action Centre

Windows 7 Action Center states that avast Antivirus is turned off. When I click the button ‘Turn on’ nothing happens & the message remains.
There are no other anti virus programs running & Avast states that everything is good.
Please advise.

Try this:

Clicking the Turn on button is unlikely to do anything if A) avast is actually on and B) the WAC is incorrect. The latter is most common rather than avast actually being off, this you can check in the Task Manager and the avast tray icon being present.

Whilst iroc9555’s FAQ link is likely to work - many will find this overly complex.

Personally I would try this first:
Right click on the avast tray icon - avast! shields control > Disable for 10 minutes. The avast self-defence module will seek confirmation you want to do this, answer Yes.

Just wait a few seconds, not 10 minutes and enable the shields again. This usually has the desired effect of jogging the WAC (WMI) back to life.

I keep getting the message saying that i have not got my anti-virus turned on i’m using windows 7 64bit. avast all so says im unprotected when i click on my devices i click fix it and it says web shield, mail shield and anti spam could not be started.

A reboot would normally clear that - have you tried that and did it work ?

If it didn’t work - then there is a possibility that you have a corrupt avast installation.
Try a repair of avast:
XP - Add Remove programs, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button and select Repair, click next and follow.

Vista, win7 or later - Control Panel, Programs & Features, uninstall a program, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Uninstall/Change and select Repair, click next and follow.

You may need to reboot after the repair.

If that doesn’t resolve it you would be advised to try a clean reinstall of avast.