My Wifes computer has gotten the WIN 7 Total Protection virus on it. I have been running AVAST 6.0 free version for two months and have the latest updates but it did not stop it from infecting the computer. >:( I need to know if the definitions have been updated to stop it or what I need to do to git rid of it.
- Use Malwarebytes to clean it.
Download from here
Install, update, scan. If it cannot install, rename it to stuff like firefox.exe
Run your broser using Sandboxie in the future
Download from here
Install it, set it to delelte upon exit.
How to run it? After install, right click on the browser and click “run sandboxed” -
Set your DNS to clear cloud DNS
More info here
Why avast! unable to stop that virus.??? I think it should have done this. How do you know its the that virus???
Because all antivirus are having problems with rogues. The only way to detect it is by signature. I have seen some exception where the antivirus detect the rogue heuristically (without signature)
If i am not wrong avast do have heuristic kind of thing with it.. :o
this is not good to advice someone to use another AV or Anti Malware to remove some virus. If its true avast is less effective then why to use it ?
There’s no guarantee Mbam will clean it either, but it may. You can always kill the process in Task Manager and quickly delete the .exe file from your temp or app folder, then scan again in a couple days when the database is updated.
this is not good to advice someone to use another AV or Anti Malware to remove some virus.
On the contrary, it is very good advice if it works. Like getting second opinions from a doctor. We are talking what is best for the user, once an infection has happened, not what is best for Avast!.
If its true avast is less effective then why to use it ?
Seriously…? Your attempt at trolling (and subsequent failure) are noted. Now remove yourself from this thread, as you are not helping in any way, and it is a help thread, not a discussion. No response necessary.
If i am not wrong avast do have heuristic kind of thing with it.. :o
this is not good to advice someone to use another AV or Anti Malware to remove some virus. If its true avast is less effective then why to use it ?
Because Malwarebytes is just a supplement to your main AV. Beside the free malwarebytes do not have real time protection. Malwarebytes specialises in rogues and other spyware. The user ask how to remove it, so I am just giving my suggestion as that is what I have been doing (for friends. How can avast remove it if it is not in their signatures? So te user need some way to remove that rogue.
Avast heuristics is kind of low (based on AV comparatives result) but I REALLY hope they improve this year. Avast is actaully quite effective (based on personal test-detection wise), it is very light on the system and I like avast so I am using it and recommend it to friends and family.
I am sure you are tired of hearing these, but in a day, 20000+ malwares appears and all AV are struggling to keep up. So no antivirus detects everything. As for me, avast detect all things I have thrown at it. So I have no problems and is one of the best in the market but there is still definitly room for improvement.Even the big names like Kaspersky and Symantec misses things too.
That is why it is important to educate yourself so you can avoid it. The best antivirus in the world is knowledge+common sense. I hope you are satisfied with my answer.
Thanks, Lunarwolf and Gargamel360 for your input. My wife is currently running SpyBot on the computer and it seems to have found it. Scan is still in progress. Will let you know the outcome. I think I will also run Malwarebytes on it when I get home. I have used both programs successfully in the past. Also as you stated no one program will catch everything.
Thanks Again.
Oritz, Not sure how to implement the stratigy you suggest. Just hope for success from SpyBot.
Thanks for the input though.
Update: SpyBot could not remove anything it found. It says we do not have Admin rights. I am guessingthe profile has been corrupted. Any suggestions on how to resolve the new issue would be appreciated.
- Use Malwarebytes to clean it.
Download from here
Install, update, scan. If it cannot install, rename it to stuff like firefox.exe
spybot s&d isnt very good at all
lunarwolf gave you the best advice… did you try malwarebytes? its almost certain to catch this variant. if you have trouble running malwarebytes and renaming the file doesnt work, a good “plan b” would be to try a portable version of superantispyware
Spybot used to be a pretty decent program.
However they have been on version 1.62 for what seems like ages.
Also their database keeps getting larger and larger and there has been no program change to compensate for the ever increasing database size.
No doubt that if one gets stuck finding or removing some Malware there could be a benefit in installing Spybot for a scan and then immediately removing it after the scan.
However, I agree it is not worth keeping it installed, running and clogging up your system.