Win 8.1 Crash after installing avast IS

Its problem when booting my rig just before i installed Avast Internet security which i downloaded through forum.avast.

Now my PC showing to “restore” option but which trying to restore error showing antivirus blocking need to disable.

Pls help to disable AV or Unistall avast through cmd. I dont want to last my files further,help me to “restore” my pc from current location…

what AV did you use before installing avast?
did your computer come with a factory installed Trail version of a AV?
did you uninstall it before installing avast?
did you run the vendors removal tool to clear any leftover files that may conflict?
tools found here.

Uninstall Utility.

Installation files.

Initially i had Norton security which was supported win 8.1 & 15days trial.

Before installing Avast i removed it with their tool provided on website.

Help me to boot from current option shown "restore"point ,either to disable AV or uninstall thro’ cmd…

So its probably a windows issue and not a antivirus issue.So please dont panic or get angry,we are here to provide quality help for free. ;D

OT: If you can comunicate in hindi with me I would be happy to help.

I will inform our prime helper once I confirm the issue.

If you’re running the Windows 8.1 preview release then the version of avast! that needs to be installed is
avast! 8 R 3. which is a beta build of avast! designed for Windows 8.1
Download it from:
I would suggest that you do a clean install of avast by following the instructions outlined here.
Just substitute the avast download mentioned at the beginning of my post.