Win XP Pro

I have updated both Win XP Pro with all Win updates, also updated my Avast Home 4.6.652 and VPS 0517-6
Min Security center says virus protection is swtiched off, even if the blue a-ball is running and tells me On Access Protection control is running… what can I do here?
Thanx for any tips

Hi and welcome Ohstay,
does it say switched off or not up to date? if it says not up to date check is your clock set to right time , right day ,right year??? if it says switched off then something is crazy . try rebooting and see if that helps.

Answers for XP Security Center not detecting anti-virus program could be found here: (the link was kindly found by David…).

I am still battling with this problem. My Windows Security Center says that Avast version… is switched off. Date and time is right. Restarts did not help, Avast seems to be running ok and updating ok. My machine though keeps freezing when I start it up and I get a Windows Security Message saying that my computer may not be protected. Maybe I should just accept this and tick off for self monitoring in the security center, the security center shows the updated version of avast, but like I said it says that it’s turned off - which it is not… ::slight_smile:

Hi ohstay,
Try to hover your mouse over the a in your system tray.
It should show something similar to the following:

If it doesn’t maybe you have either stopped or paused the Standard shield in which case, the icon is still visible in the tray but,
you’ll also see the red shield from microsoft and get the following display:

Hope that helps

ohstay, which firewall do you use?
Do you use any other antivirus in your system (at the same time as avast)? Did you use in the past any other antivirus is this system?