Win10: Nastiest virus ever!

I got my Cousin’s computer to recover her account as she can’t remember her password.

I log into her computer after doing pass recovery without reset cd using the net user command.

I log into her account, but it has her sons name on the account, even though it says her name only in net user.

Everything is crippled completely but file manager and a few other things. The windows key down’t work, so I can’t get to settings.

I cannot access wi-fi, so I plug it into my network by wire and try updating windows antivirus through old control panel, it says getting updates and when I reboot, it is gone and only defender is left.

I then try safe mode and exact same thing. Only file explorer seems to work.

I come here and try your virus removal guide and download mbam from my other system and copy to usb. I paste to the laptop and it fails with an error and mbam vanishes into thin air.

Now, I am here for hopefully some advice on recovery. I’m hoping to recover the windows start menu and get her mail as she needs it to recover her iphone on Tuesday.

Any help would be awesome, and greatly appreciated.

I got FRST logs is all.

I see that Windows 10 on that notebook has not been updated for a few years. Logs are clean. Can you try to boot into safe mode?

Yeah, defender said no updates in 1.300 some days when I first fired it up.

Do you know how to run windows 10 update manually? I don’t think I have permissions for it. Although I changed my username (couldn’t add an account as it wasn’t listed) back to Teri. It seems to let me do some things I couldn’t before. But I ran MBAM installer without success. It did ask me permission and I said yes, then it just vanished without doing anything. Not even anything in task manager.

I was hoping to run windows update to hopefully recover the start button/search bar in hopes of fixing this.

You can with this update Windows 10.

No. I can’t install anything. I just get all kinds of errors.

No browser access so I can’t navigate anywhere. Is there a browser that doesn’t need installing?

But it keeps saying I don’t have permission to do anything. Not even is safe mode. This is some bizarre virus.

It seems to have disabled windows completely and I can’t do anything.

I was going to try and make an admin account, but when I changed the password I set it to null, so I don’t have a password, so I can’t get to the Utilman method of getting an elevated command prompt to add a new user with net user command.

Hopefully I can get something going soon. and thanks for your help, it is very much appreciated.

You can make installation/upgrade USB disk on another PC.