Win2k SP 4 Rollup / AIS Firewall Problem

Okay, here it goes:

Have a guy with this problem:
Pentium III at 900 MHz
OS is Win2000 SP4 Rollup 1
No other AV, firewall or anti-anything software installed

AIS installs fine, but firewall can not be started

I did everything that we normally do: repair install, reboot, uninstall utility, ran MBAM to see if any malware might prevent the start, install without network cable etc, etc… to no avail.

There are no errors, all works fine, except the firewall won’t start and the “start” and “stop” buttons on the firewall tab both look the same way (enabled style).

I only have email contact to the guy and he speaks no english at all.
What do I do now?


He’s getting angry, and I can understand that - he already paid for the AIS :cry: (even though I think you always should go with the trial first, but… alas! he did not)

Nobody any idea at all? :o

Are there any known specific issues with the Avast! Firewall and Win2000?

Come on guys, someone must have a thought about this.

:wink: concentrate with the advance settings and exception. compare the setting with other coputer using ais that runs ok. hope this can help!

Not a thought but a forum search ended up with the comment below by Vlk. The interpretation of “very soon” may differ, though. :stuck_out_tongue:

(buying and…) running a 2010 application on a Pentium III/900 and Win2000 might not be the best option ??? ;D…you’re saying the guy is getting angry, at whom?

I cannot blame him. He may not be careful enough to try the AIS trial version first but the below is system requirements for AIS, shown at Avast! official site, I’m afraid.

Processor Pentium 3, 128 MB RAM, 100 MB of free hard disk space Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7 (32/64 bit)
While Alwil team recognize AIS still has issues with its firewall function on Windows 2000, the above is what the official site states. :-\

these minimum requirement statements are generally a shame, and extremely misleading. It’s not just Avast doing that. That’s purely commercial… remember Vista was supposed to run on a 700 MHz with 512 MB of RAM. They had to revise that after they got sued by customers, themselves not clever to avoid an upgrade disaster in the first place.

Well, Logos, whatever the reason: that is the information you as a customer are given.

I totally agree, that running a sophisticated software on 10 year old hardware and 11 year old OS is a rather stupid idea, but nevertheless: when you buy a car and the ad says: needs regular gas you get angry if you later find out that it’s premium unleaded that you need.

And if it is a general problem (issue) with 2k and the firewall: I have posted this question in 2 different threads for 3 days now - why did no mod or dev just drop a note? ???

let me add that such information, as I already said, being completely misleading, it shouldn’t be published. And since you know that it’s bs, insisting and arguing that, since it’s been stated, then the software should work is also bs. All this doesn’t make sense because the argument on which this is supposed to be founded was false in the first place :wink: I never take very seriously product info meant to sell the product ;D No offense intended :slight_smile:

Logos, please remember: it wasn’t me who downloaded on that basis. It was a computer-know-nothing-about, an architect. He is just a user and he wanted to protect his pc.

Maybe you know it’s bs, maybe I know - at least 90% percent of those out there don’t. And I don’t think it’s the ambition of an av company to be only there for the IT-elite.

yeah I know it wasn’t you, it’s a friend of yours. But about that:

And I don't think it's the ambition of an av company to be only there for the IT-elite.
...indeed no, but it's their ambition to get the bad equipped noobs to buy the software ;)

Yes, I agree. But that is not to be condemned as long as the print on the box says what you get inside.

Still no word from any dev/mod in this thread…

But that is not to be condemned as long as the print on the box says what you get inside.
getting off topic, I know... [b]it is[/b] highly condemnable, morally, financially etc...and cases like that have been won in court a few times already. The noob isn't really guilty to be a noob (well somehow he is but not legally :D ), when the company is definitely legally guilty when taking advantage of his "noobness" ;D

security software must be adapted by the os…
but how os can adapt avast firewall if the os itself do not have firewall support?..