
I ran a scan and this showed up it recommended it be sent to the virus chest.Is it safe just to leave it there or should I get rid of it and how would I go about doing that.Does anyone know what this is (Win32:Adan-102) and what threat it is to my computer.

Read the help/manual and learn what the virust chest is.
Also use the search option on this board.
This question has been asked and answered many times before.

Hi mylilfid,

Unfortunately, Win32:Adan-102 is avast!'s name for the virus and doesn’t bring up any information on a Google search. The actual file name might.

Leave malware in the chest for a few weeks just to make sure it’s not a false positive.

On the scanner interface, you have a chest icon. The malware section has a skull and cross bones. There’s a delete option. Malware is inactive in the chest so err on the side of caution. There’s no hurry to delete it.