Hello, my computer has been infected by Win32:Adan-O46 [ADW], Win32:Trojano-1267 [Trj], and Win32:Trojan-gen. {UPX!}. I started getting warnings of all of these at one time, I think I might have found a file that generates the problem, but it won’t let me delete it, and it does not seem to move to the chest (It says its in the chest, but I can see its in the C drive). Despite many scans with many programs (Avast! Professional 6, Adware, Spybot) this problem will not go away. Any ideas?
Well, none of that has really helped, and now my computer is crippled. It takes roughly 20 minutes to log on, 10 to start Firefox and 5-10 to load a page. The Task Manager reports that only 310 out of 1250 MB is being used, and that the CPU use ratio is only around 5-10 percent. Why it is running slow, I do not know. So now, I would like to hear some options on what I can do to return my computer’s state to normal.