
Hi guys,
My first post here.So my sister(doesnt know that much about compters ::)has avast home edition installed on her laptop,and today told me that the avast shield,or guard(dont know)found this Win32:Adware-gen[Adw] in c:\program files\google bae\bae.dll file
She told me that she deleted the virus,and then she did a full scan, and that avast didnt find anything.Where can she look,to see if the virus is deleted,or if it isnt deleted and reapears what can she do?
sorry for my english ;D

Do a forum search for bae.dll as their are two topics on this that I’m aware off.

This one is the one with the most information,

Deletion isn’t really a good first option (you have none left), ‘first do no harm’ don’t delete, send virus to the chest and investigate.

It is gone/history/deceased/an ex file (sorry i couldn’t help my self) there is nowhere to check if it has gone or avast would have found it on the second scan. I think you can now see why the best option is move to the chest and investigate rather than delete and investigate. Whilst this isn’t a serious problem, that loss of the file it could have been an important system file so a lesson learned.

Thanks for your answer.Its very hard to tell what happend there.She doesnt know much about computers,and she lives in another country so i can`t help her.
i hope that thing that avast found is not an important file. :cry:
I forgot to mention that she has windows vista home premium(came preinstalled on an sony vaio machine)

The link I gave indicates as much that it isn’t a crucial file, this is the google search given in the other topic,,.

The important lesson is that She learns never delete, move to the chest, where you have options, with deletion you have none.

Thank you once again! ;D
Yes a belive that she learned her lesson.
Cheers. :slight_smile:

You’re welcome.