Avast has discovered this on my computer and recommended I “move to chest”, which I did. However, it returns on restart.
Also, on restart, I get this message:
Module could not be found
C:/windows/system 32/fhwfjdi.dll
AND I’ve also discovered HP updates don’t seem to be installing…it goes through the process, but HP keeps telling me to run (the same) updates “Service Pak 2” et al.
Finally, today I discovered my “administrator” has disabled my task mgr. ??? Any help greatly appreciated
Well a google search for fhwfjdi.dll returns no hits which in itself is suspicious and I doubt this is related the the problem of updating your HP. Most of the HP dll files I have seen usually begin with the characters hp, so I don’t think this one is an hp file incorrectly removed to the chest.
You can try and find the following file Taskmgr.exe that is likely to be being intercepted by some malware, which is possibly also intercepting Regedit and Msconfig to stop you dealing with malware being run in either the startup tab of msconfig or the run entries in the registry.
Find the Taskmgr.exe and make a copy in another folder c:\911 (emergency files) rename it to Taskmgr1.exe the renamed file shouldn’t be intercepted and allow acces to the task manager. Do the same for msconfig.exe and for regedit.exe copy and rename that to regedit.com this should stop the intercept \and allow access to edit the registry.
Now you should have access to those tools find the reference C:/windows/system32/fhwfjdi.dll and remove it. You can export the reg key before deleting the entry for that value, just in case.
If you find it in msconfig, startup tab, just uncheck the entry don’t completely delete.