'Win32/Allaple.gen!dam' worm.

Hi all,

Yesterday I was browsing the web, minding my own business, happy and content with life when I made a fateful wrong turn directly into the path of this wicked little worm. I was searching out information on an old picture of two Albanian men from late 19th century and innocently clicked onto this website- s1.zetaboards.com. Well, all hell broke loose. The Microsoft security essentials (when I was finally allowed to run a scan) picked it up but said ‘unable to find all malware’ or something of that oak. I looked to the heavens and recieved this divine message “Get yourself Avast and sharp about it, son!” So I did, and I have.
My question is, having run full in-depth scans, Avast has’nt found anything, nor Malwarbites. Should I still be concerned? And has anyone else encountered or heard about this worm?

Thank you! :slight_smile:

was avast and Malwarebytes updated when you did the scan (quick scan will do )

if you want a check inside , follow this guide and attach OTL and aswMBR log http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=53253.0

checked this URL s1.zetaboards.com with evry web tool we know of in here …nothing http://urlquery.net/report.php?id=137541