I seem to have managed to get infected with the C variant of the Beagle virus. The problem is that the tools I have used to clean it do not work. Everytime I boot my pc the virus seems to recreate the files system.exe and irun4.exe. I’ve deleted enteries from my regitery and deleted the two files mentioned earlier several times. How can I get rid of this virus?
I turned off system restore, booted into safemode and re-ran avast to get rid of the virus. However when i rebooted back to normal mode the virus was there again. Any more suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I stopped the Avast On-Access scanner and ran the stinger tool. That worked. Aparently there were three infected files (irun4.exe, system.exe, and inij4.exe). For some reason avast only seemed to find two of them. Removing two of the three did no good as it must have been recreating the other two.