Hi all,
there is a new Beagle variant out there - and it seems to have pretty fast start. The updates for it is out already - please update ASAP
Hi all,
there is a new Beagle variant out there - and it seems to have pretty fast start. The updates for it is out already - please update ASAP
thanx Pavel
I’ve done the updates and did run Avast! Home edition thoroughly in all directories but I keep receiving e-mails from diferent Administrators like the above.
Para: marcelloluporini@uol.com.br
Data: 29/03/2004 14:04
Assunto: virus found in sent message “”
Attention: marcelloluporini@uol.com.br
A virus was found in an Email message you sent.
This Email scanner intercepted it and stopped the entire message
reaching its destination.
The virus was reported to be:
the W32/Bagle.u@MM virus !!!
Please update your virus scanner or contact your IT support
personnel as soon as possible as you have a virus on your system.
Your message was sent with the following envelope:
MAIL FROM: marcelloluporini@uol.com.br
RCPT TO: marcomp@internext.com.br
… and with the following headers:
MAILFROM: marcelloluporini@uol.com.br
Received: from unknown (HELO sirano-logistic) (
by mailer2.internext.com.br with SMTP; 29 Mar 2004 17:04:22 -0000
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 14:05:26 -0300
To: marcomp@internext.com.br
From: marcelloluporini@uol.com.br
Message-ID: iyvfahjkmhyputfrtam@uol.com.br
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
I’m running HouseCall detection tool and it shows that I still have JAVA BYTEVER.A in my note.
I use MailWasher/SpyBot/Sygate Personal Firewall
What am I supposed to do?
Best Regards,
Marcello Luporini
These mail adresses are spoofed wehich means that there is your address,but you didn’t send that message.
Thank you for the information. I’m feel better now!