
I was hit with win32.Delf-KWY today
When I do a boot scan it is recognised but avast! cannot delete or move it to the chest. I can only ignore it.
If you try to delete the files - ravsys.exe and autorun.ini they recreate themselves.
How do I get rid of this trojan if Avast! can’t do it automatically?

Hi flicky

This is my information so far about win32.Delf-KWY

Name: Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Delf.kwy


A trojan-downloader is a tool that downloads a trojan horse. A trojan, also known as a trojan horse, is simply a program that pretends to be something else.

Why are trojans or trojan horses so dangerous? The basic idea is that you download a program, for example one that you think is some sort a game demo. When you run the demo, to your surprise, nothing happens. Or so you thought.

What may have happened is that you’ve just unwittingly run some form of program that has planted itself on your hard drive. Perhaps it’s going to be a very basic application, and simply delete some files on your system. Perhaps it’s an even more sinister tool that will actually give other people full access to your hard drive and system. Sounds ridiculous? It happens literally every single day, to computer users all around the world.

Referrer Site :

I Suggest You Use the ffl. program to remove it if the 1st program fail then try the 2nd

1st We have SuperAntiSpyware

Download link

Download the software then install after wards update to current version then go to setting then check the Full System Scan ( this is very important )
when the program detect the spyware/trojan/malware delete it after deletion it would require a system
Restart then scan again if the malicious software came back (just for double check^_^ )

2nd Let’s try KillerChan ku’n

Download link

Just Download the software then follow the Guide on how to use the program

Guide link

Just follow the Guide on How/What to do / use the program

Just make sure your avast is up to date then try to remove it using avast ;D

Hope this Help :3

:slight_smile: Hi Flicky :

You Posted the same Question in 2 of our Forums ; would be best to follow
the Advise posted by Malware-Fighter “essexboy” in your Other Thread at .

good info lind
too bad he double posted

It’s Owkie I just Hope he get reed of the malicious software

^^ he haven’t post a feed back for century

I just wish i can put a pic on my profile XD

Forum limitation, when members are no longer a Newbie status, 20 posts, they will be a Jr Member and can change the advanced profile settings ;D

Only two more posts lind go for it
waiting for your pic

20 post top owkie owkie i got it huhuhu XD

Well where is your avatar then ;D

Now I see it ;D


I certainly enjoy your posts

I, personally, have little patience and think that posters should google for their own information

then I realize that most would not have a clue on how to pick a reliable site to get information from
you provide it for them
and I think reasonable first steps for the resolutions of their problems

dazzle us


Thank You for that but some people really need help because there are so many fake site’s instead of fixing the program they only do more harm to the computer (Personally Experience)well i been thinking for a while and realize that if there was some kind or if avast is able to detect the safe site and give you a early warning before opening it than that would be great and very helpful ^…^

although ill do my best to help XD

and i got My Avatar Hurray XD ;D