win32: evo-gen A Virus/Help?

I got an alert about something with win32: evo-gen I forgot all it said on the initial alert but is it a virus? It was moved to the chest. Also is there more written after the .… on the “original folder” tab?

Also, do I leave it in the chest or delete it immediately? Does deleting it from the chest get rid of it?

Also is there more written after the \... on the "original folder" tab?
put your mouse pointer on the vertical bar after value ..... and dragg sideways to open column
Also, do I leave it in the chest or delete it immediately? Does deleting it from the chest get rid of it?
Clean, Quarantine, or Delete?

avast! 2014: Using the Virus Chest.

thanks, this is where its located I dont know what it is maybe FP? I think I will leave it in the chest for awhile and see if everything is ok with it in there then delete it maybe?