Win32:Evo-gen :new false positive

Hi , when I go to : and download 4.2.1 file for Windows 123MB I go this (see attachement)

I scan the URL with Virustotal : nothing found :

I disable Avast for 10 mn, download the file “LibreOfficePortable_4.2.1_MultilingualNormal.paf.exe” and scan it with Avast : no virus found

Win32:Evo-gen [susp] = suspicious

send file to avast lab, using one of these options

You can upload files and report issues to avast here : (select subject according to Your case)

You can use mail
send to in a password protected zip file
mail subject: False Positive / undetected sample (select subject according to your case)
zip password: infected

or you can send files from avast chest
how to use the chest.